NO language barrier? I'm not so sure!
The other day as we were taking the tube (subway) into London, a man said something that made me laugh. He and Aaron were having a hard time understanding each other. They were actually saying the same thing- just pronouncing the word differently. "I suppose we are two nations divided by a common language" the man said.
So, I thought I would publish a list of words that we've learned since coming almost 7 months ago. Some you may know, others not so much. Then there's a few that you just think, "What?"
The list became quite long, so I'm only posting part of it. I hope some make you laugh!
Bangers- sausage links
Cooker- oven
Car park- parking lot (ok, this one makes sense)
Rashers- bacon
Scones- biscuits (usually made with fruit of cheese)
Biscuits- cookies
Lounge- living room
Extractor- over head range fan for the stove
Water closet- down stairs half bath
Rubbage- trash
Hob- stove top
To let- for rent
Motorway- Interstate
Garden- yard
Boot- car trunk
Bonnet- car hood
Fueling station- gas station (that one is kinda duh)
Cheers- thanks or bye (very versatile word really)
Till- cash register
Quid- buck (as in money)
Mash- mashed potatoes
ATM- cash machine
SatNav- GPS
Chemist- Pharmacist
Trousers- pants
Pants- underwear
Cinema- movie theatre
Chips- french fries
Crisps- potato chips
Hoover- vacuum
More to come later!
Love to you all,
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